Onboarding Checklist for Practitioners

Learn about each step in the onboarding process

Onboarding Checklist for Practitioners

Once you've confirmed your quote, here are your next steps.

1. Complete Your Profile

After you confirm your quote, we send you a form to collect a few more details to help with matching. To complete your profile, you must submit information about your clinical experience, licensure, and any potential disclosures. If you have any questions about how to complete your onboarding form, please reach out to support@zivianhealth.com.

2. We Find Your Physician

After you complete your profile, we find a doctor that matches your specialty, scope of practice and state rules. We introduce you to your potential collaborator via email, and you meet for introductions.

3. We Create and Issue Your Collaborative Agreement

Meanwhile, we create a custom collaborative agreement that aligns with all state requirements and send it to you via email for your review and signature.

4. Start Collaborating!

Once the agreement is signed by both you and your physician, it becomes active and is stored on the Zivian Health platform. Then, you start your collaboration!