What happens after I sign the agreement?

Steps by Step guide for what happens after a collaboration agreement is executed.

After you sign your collaboration agreement, you should do the following:

Here are your final requirements to start your collaboration! Now that you are signed, please be sure to review and complete each step as your agreement is active.


Responsible Person


Login to Zivian Profile and review executed agreement

Physician and Practitioner


Submit additional documents to the state Medical Boards

Practitioner Initiated


Set up billing in Zivian for direct payment to Physicians 

Practitioner Initiated


Schedule initial meeting

Practitioner or Physician Initiated

Within 5-days

Get added to new or existing Monthly Meetings facilitated by the Physician

Physician Initiated

Within first 7-days

Grant Electronic Health Record (EHR) access to Physician to review charts

Practitioner Initiated

Within first 14-days

Log notes, meeting information and complete first attestations

Physician Initiated

Within first calendar month

Continually meet monthly commitments required in the agreement

Physician and Practitioner
